How many matches does the average guy get on Tinder?

Average Rate of Matches on Tinder for Men

The average percentage of matches a man would get on Tinder is about 14%. Some sources may vary slightly, but this number is generally accepted as the average.

Tinder Gold Membership and Messaging

To message matches on Tinder, a Gold membership is required. Without it, you will only see a blurred profile picture in the message section as a sign that someone has liked you.

Reporting and Consequences on Tinder

Reporting a Tinder profile leads to the account being marked for moderator review. If any content violates Tinder’s rules, it is removed, and the user receives a warning. Repeat violations may result in the account being banned.

Tinder Response Time

If someone reports you on Tinder, the specific account will no longer appear in match lists or while swiping. Your provided data will not be shared with anyone.

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