What is yum command?

Package Management in Linux

The primary tool for acquiring, installing, deleting, querying, and managing software packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the yum command. It can be used from official repositories and third-party repositories.

Advanced Package Tool (APT)

Advanced package tool (APT) is a free software user interface that manages software installation and removal on Debian and Debian-based Linux distributions.

Secure Shell (SSH)

"Secure Shell" (SSH) is a protocol for safely connecting to a server/system. It transmits information between the host and client encryptedly over port 22 of TCP/IP.

ROOT Programming

ROOT is a program and library developed by CERN for particle physics data analysis and other purposes like astronomy and data mining. The latest version was released on April 15, 2021.

Root Shell in Linux

The root shell provides administrative access to the system. Typing "su" in the command line prompt allows access to the root shell.

Root User in Mac OS

In UNIX-like systems, the root user has unlimited read and write privileges to all file system areas in OS X. The root user is disabled by default.

Linux Shell

The Linux shell is the command line interpreter that runs commands, acts as an interface between the kernel and the user, and executes various programs and scripts.

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