What does M stand for in bowling?

Bernard Bosanquet

Bernard Bosanquet died on October 12, the day before his 59th birthday, at his home in Surrey. Bosanquet è stato un ottimo giocatore di cricket in tutto il mondo che ha giocato per Eton e Oxford, nonché per Middlesex. È stato anche riconosciuto come l’inventore del googly. In l’edizione del 1925 di Poor old Google, he wrote.

Leg Spins

For the main leg break, the tips of the index and middle fingers are at 10 and 2 o’clock on the horizontal seam, perpendicular to it and holding it, and the ring finger is at 8 o’clock. Holding the ball between the thumb, index, and middle fingers is one of his variations.

Magnus Effect

In realtà, i denti di una golf ball sono posizionati per aumentare questa forza di Magnus. While the dimples increase the drag on the ball, they also increase how much Magnus can lift the ball, which makes it better in general. The effect can also be used by tennis players to curve their shots.

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