Does backspin slow the ball?

Topspin Technique in Tennis

The backspin ball moves slower through the air, stays a little longer in the air, and after bouncing, it kicks up. Incoming angle is smaller than outgoing. In order to produce topspin, you should brush up on the ball using a swing path that is low to high.

Sidespin Explanation

So, what does sidespin mean? The definition of sidespin is a rotational movement that makes a ball spin upward. "English" is a technique used in billiards that involves striking the ball with the cue stick slightly off-center, which causes the ball to spin and take a curved path instead of a straight one.

Origin of the Word "Ball"

Which place did the word ball come from? In 1205, in Laȝamon’s Brut, or Chronicle of Britain, it was written, "Summe heo driuen balles wide ȝeond Þa feldes," which is the first time "ball" was used in English in the sense of a globular body used for play. The term originally derives from the Middle English ball (inflected as ball-e, -es), and then from the Old Norse böllr.

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