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Can Shazam beat Superman?

A wizard gave Shazam his powers through the use of magic. However, the fact that Shazam's powers came through the use of magic gives him a clear advantage over Superman in the area of strength in battle. Shazam is also one of the rare heroes who managed to knock Superman out.

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Can Shazam beat Superman?

Un mago ha usato la magia per dare a un ragazzo i suoi poteri. L'uso della magia da parte di Shazam gli diede un vantaggio su Superman nell'area di forza in battaglia. Uno dei rari eroi che mise fuori combattimento Superman fu Shazam.

Di conseguenza,, who can beat the presence?

Nobody. The Presence in DC and the One Above All in the Marvel Multiverse are both God, one and the same. Not even the original Beyonder could defeat the Presence despite how powerful he was, because he was still an infinite order of magnitudes less powerful than the One Above All. Who is the strongest Avenger? 1 Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff That was enough to consider her near the top but Wanda Maximoff, known as Scarlet Witch, is the officially most powerful Avenger now.

Who is the strongest DC villain?

These are the five most powerful DC villains of all time. 5 Ares. 4 Bane. 3 General Zod. 2 Doomsday. 1 Steppenwolf. Si può anche chiedere:, who is the most powerful magician in dc? An expert magician with knowledge of an immeasurable number of spells, Zatanna is considered one of the most powerful magicians in the world of DC Universe; as a member of the Homo magi, she possess both the genetic ability to use magic and has mastery over both mystical and cosmic forces considered to be as old as the

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Can Shazam beat Superman?

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What is the Joker's IQ? Jokers's IQ is estimated to be around 350 (which is insane even in the real world), while Batman's is around 290. Additionally, the joker has been known to trick Batman numerous times causing him to even doubt himself in some cases. What is the IQ of Tony Stark? 186 Abilities. Super-Genius Intelligence: Tony is a phenomenal scientific genius and inventor with an IQ of 186.

What is supermans IQ?

However if we could test alien knowledge then he would have an IQ of about 160 I think.

Di Schonthal Partman

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