Have to have been meaning?

Present Perfect Continuous

"Ha avuto" e "ha avuto" si traducono rispettivamente come "ha avuto" e "ha avuto". Questo significato è noto come present perfect continuous.

Past Tense Constructions

Both constructions are past tense, but "had been" means that something was happening at an unspecified time and has now ended, while "were" means that something was happening at an unspecified time.

Use of "Were"

We use the past tense "were" for a hypothetical situation in the present. In precedenza: Non sono state prese misure precauzionali; Se fossero stati presi….

For a hypothetical situation in the past, we use the double past, also known as the past perfect.

Usage of Present Perfect Continuous

In generale, utilizziamo il presente perfetto continuato per sottolineare che qualcosa è ancora in corso nel presente: All of her life, she has lived in Liverpool. For hours it has been raining.

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