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What is pure joy?

I think of Joy as a pure feeling that falls somewhere on the scale between happiness and ecstasy. As adults we can find Joy in moments of clarity when our thoughts crystallize into plans of action. I usually find these moments after some quiet time or meditation.

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Opposite of the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. malice. animosity. callousness. cruelty. Di conseguenza,, what is the opposite beautiful? Opposite of being physically attractive. ugly. hideous. grotesque.

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Opposite of moving or able to move through the air. slow. ground. grounded. lowly. What are the 34000 emotions? It's around 34,000. With so many emotions, how can one navigate the turbulent waters of feelings, without getting lost? The answer: with an emotion wheel. The Wheel of Emotions joy and sadness. acceptance and disgust. fear and anger. surprise and anticipation.

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What Are the 27 Basic Emotions? Admiration. Adoration. Aesthetic appreciation. Amusement. Anxiety. Awe. Awkwardness. Boredom. Allora,, what is the strongest human emotion? Fear Fear is among the most powerful of all emotions. And since emotions are far more powerful than thoughts, fear can overcome even the strongest parts of our intelligence.

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Experiencing emotions like happiness, excitement, joy, hope, and inspiration is vital for anyone who wants to lead a happy and healthy life.

Di Mordy Haschke

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