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What is the end goal of life?

Our goal in life is to achieve happiness, which comes in two varieties: the human happiness we achieve by exercising the virtues of character, and the godlike happiness we achieve when we grasp eternal truths.

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Is happiness the goal of life?

L'intero scopo e fine dell'esistenza umana è la felicità.

Di conseguenza,, is happiness the goal of life?

Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. Si può anche chiedere:, is happiness the purpose of life? Aristotle said, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

Anche la domanda è:, is happiness the key to life?

It doesn't matter how much you have, what you spend, make, drive or wear. It all means nothing if you are not happy within yourself. How do I know if am in love? People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person's pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person. 5 giorni fa

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Di Hamon

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