What is coffee shop Australia?

Coffee Shop AU

The Coffee Shop AU is a trope for alternate universe fanfiction that became popular in LiveJournal fandoms before spreading to other platforms with followers.

Star Wars Canon Resources

In questo momento, i soli materiali che sono stati precedentemente pubblicati e considerati canoni sono i seguenti: the six films, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, novels (in cui i loro contenuti corrispondono a quelli mostrati sul schermo), and Part I of the short story Blade Squadron.

Literary Canon Definition

The literary canon can be defined simply as that which is recognized as authentic (for example, when distinguishing canonical works from apocryphal works in relation to Shakespeare or the Bible), but it is generally referred to more broadly as that which is considered to be ‘good’ literature, in fact the ‘best’.

Definition of Canonic Death

When the player dies, it is treated and incorporated into the game as part of the player’s continued story. In genere, il giocatore deve ritornare an un altro tipo di character, o reincarnarsi.

Canonical Company

Secondo Glassdoor, 57% dei dipendenti di Canonical consigliano di assumere un amico. Inoltre, gli impiegati hanno assegnato a Canonical una valutazione di 3.5 su 5 per il concetto di work-life balance, 3 per quanto riguarda la cultura e i valori, e 3.2 per quanto riguarda le opportunità di carriera.

Canon Works

approvato; riconosciuto; accettato: opere canoniche. Matematica (di un’equazione, una coordinate, ecc.) nella forma più semplice o convenzionale.

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Elizabeth è considerata la patrona di "bakers, countesses, death of children, falsely accused, the homeless, nursing services, tertiaries, widows, and young brides." These are appropriate because she herself was a countess, a false accused, a homeless, a tertiary, a widow, and a young bride.

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