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Could we have gone to Mars in the 70s?

While reaching Mars was doable using 1970s-era tech, actually staying on our planetary neighbor long enough to justify the mission has only recently become possible. “So once we get to Mars, we've got to leave them on Mars for a while.” “It's really technology that drives exploration,” he said.

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What is the most powerful rocket engine ever built?

F-1 With 1.5 million pounds (6.7 MN) of thrust, the F-1, built way back in the 50s, remains the most powerful single-chamber rocket engine ever created. With five F-1 engines, Saturn V, which first launched in 1967, is still the largest and most powerful rocket ever created. Si può anche chiedere:, how much horsepower does the saturn v rocket have? At lift off, the Saturn V pummelled the Earth with 3.4 million kg of thrust – equivalent to 160 million horsepower – and took 11 seconds to lumber clear of the launchpad.

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Even after the Falcon Heavy launches, the Saturn V will remain the tallest and most powerful rocket ever, and the only one to help carry humans beyond Earth's orbit. The last Saturn V was used to launch Skylab, America's first space station, on. Can the Saturn V go to Mars? The conceptual Saturn C-5N was designed as an evolutionary successor to the Saturn V, intended for the planned crewed mission to Mars by 1980, it would have cut crewed transit times to Mars to about 4 months, instead of the 8–9 months of chemical rocket engines.

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What is SpaceX Super Heavy?

Is SLS more powerful than Starship? The SLS will be capable of lifting 105 tonnes of payload into LEO, compared to the 100 tonnes of the Starship, so it looks pretty close. But as the orbital heights get greater, the SLS payload suffers until we get to payloads delivered to the moon, where the SLS tops out at 40 tonnes in cargo mode (less for crew).

Di Sam Wigelsworth

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