Gufosaggio > W > What Do You Mean By Alibi?

What do you mean by alibi?

1 : the explanation given by a person accused of a crime that he or she was somewhere else when the crime was committed. 2 : an excuse intended to avoid blame She made up an alibi for why she was late. alibi. noun.

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Rispetto a questo,, can i use even though and but together?

You should never use “although” or “even though” and “but” in the same sentence because it doesn't make sense, all right? “Although” or “even though” takes the place of the word “but” in showing a contrast between the two parts of the sentence. Di conseguenza,, how do you use even so? You use even so to introduce a surprising fact that relates to what you have just said. The bus was only half full. Even so, a young man asked Nina if the seat next to her was taken.

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Questa è una violazione. La squadra offensiva può recuperare la palla se la squadra difensiva la colpisce nel backcourt.

Where can I use even though?

Although, even though, in spite of and despite are all used to link two contrasting ideas or show that one fact makes the other fact surprising. They can all be used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.

Di Bianka

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