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Can Squirrel Girl beat Thor?

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Can Iron Man beat Thor?

Una speciale armatura è stata sviluppata da Tony. La lotta fu difficile, ma Thor vinse comunque. Se avesse usato tutto il suo potere, avrebbe potuto facilmente sconfiggere Tony in qualsiasi momento.

Rispetto a questo,, who would win hyperion vs superman?

Originally Answered: Who would win in a fight between Superman and Hyperion? Hyperion would win, because he can regenerate from complete destruction, and is even better than superman because he does not hold back. And even if superman does not hold back, hyperion would still win. Anche la domanda è:, who would win superman or juggernaut? In DC Versus Marvel #1, Superman beat the Juggernaut with a single punch. The question, then, isn't really who would win in a fight - with his versatile powerset and formidable solar-powered strength, Superman is the default victor - but rather if Superman could physically stop the Juggernaut mid-stride.

Who's stronger Gladiator or Superman?

Superman would win. Gladiator is the original marvel Superman, so he deserves respect. But it is unlikely that he would win. Gladiator's strength is psionically tied to his confidence. Who is stronger Hyperion vs Sentry? With this easily exploitable weakness, it is likely that in a clash between these two titans, Hyperion would emerge the victor over the Sentry, most likely in typical, bloody fashion.

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Can Thor beat Wonder Woman with Stormbreaker?

Se togli Mjolnir, Stormbreaker o qualsiasi cosa stia brandendo in quel momento, è molto più facile da distruggere. Diana non è una che va giù senza combattere.

Is Sentry a copy of Superman?

The Sentry is a parody of Superman and this is coming from a Sentry fan. He is definitely not a clone of Superman but he is similar until we get into his mentality, morality and other powers. Is Gladiator a copy of Superman? 12 Gladiator The evidence is clear as day: his name was inspired by Philip Wylie's novel Gladiator, the same novel that inspired Superman. His alter-ego, Kallark, is a portmanteau of Superman's Kryptonian name, Kal-El, and his Earth name, Clark Kent.

Riguardo a questo,, is sentry a hero or villain?

Sentry is a superhero in the Marvel Universe and also carries within him the supervillain known as the Void.

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