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Is vision stronger than Thor?

Even if Mjolnir was taken away from him, Thor is many times faster and stronger. Vision, as advanced as he is, has very little hope of achieving victory in this fight even with Mjolnir, and if Thor was truly angry and could not be stopped by any other teammate, the Vision would be ripped to pieces in short order.

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Who is stronger than Thor?

I poteri sovrumani sono ciò che gli Asgardiani possiedono. Hela e suo padre sono considerati i più forti dei tre. Ha oltre 1.500 anni di esperienza di combattimento come principe guerriero e ha capacità di combattimento superiori, forza e invulnerabilità.

Tenendo conto di questo,, why was hulk weak in endgame?

Hulk was potentially at his strongest during the first Avengers film. Exposure to so many enemies along with his trip through space may have weakened the Hulk to the point that he could bond with Bruce in Endgame, thus making the Professor persona appear much weaker. Inoltre,, is smart hulk weaker? No, Professor Hulk is not weaker than the original Hulk, nor is he less intelligent than Banner. He merged the brains and the brawn. As far as the MCU is concerned, he is 100% physically Hulk, and 100% intellectually Banner.

Tenendo conto di questo,, why did hulk have a hard time snapping?

Several reasons: He isn't “just like Thanos.” He's not as strong or as durable. It's impressive that he was able to pull it off the begin with. He was using Stark's Gauntlet, which was much less durable than Eitri's Gauntlet, which was designed specifically to absorb the power of the Infinity Stones and hold them. Tenendo presente questo,, can hulk hold an infinity stone? Certainly. The only Infinity Stone that harms you if you hold it is the Power Stone, and if Ronan can take it, Hulk certainly can too. Hulk even wielded the Infinity Gauntlet, although his arm was very badly damaged.

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Is Black Panther stronger than Thor?

Black Panther ha una quantità illimitata di vibranio a sua disposizione, che potrebbe usare per creare armi che assorbono energia per proteggersi dagli attacchi fisici. Black Panther ha bisogno di sferrare un colpo schiacciante per battere Thor.

Who is stronger Red Hulk or Green?

Red hulk is stronger than the savage hulk at base level but not as strong as WW hulk by a longshot. Base strength he's stronger. If Hulk in a "calm" state can lift 100-200 tons, the Rulk can lift 200-500 tons. However, Green Hulk gains strength over time while Red Hulk keeps his strength the same. Who is stronger Hulk or Juggernaut? In the comics, Hulk waged war on the X-men and eventually fought Juggernaut. In reality, Juggernaut is virtually unstoppable without magic, but the Hulk is stronger than Juggernaut.

Di Ardyth

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