Gufosaggio > C > Can I Pay Google Pay To Phonepe?

Can I pay Google Pay to PhonePe?

You can use PhonePe to transfer money from phonepe to google pay by entering their Google Pay UPI ID. The recipient's UPI ID must then be entered in the search box. Ask about your friend's or relative's Google Pay UPI ID. Then, to verify the UPI ID, tap on it.

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Puoi rimuovere un metodo di pagamento dall'app. L'icona del profilo si trova nell'angolo in alto a destra. Ci sono più metodi di pagamento. È possibile utilizzare le impostazioni di pagamento. Se richiesto, accedere. Puoi rimuoverlo con il metodo di pagamento. Togliere.

How do I redeem google Opinion Rewards to my bank account?

After answering the survey, you will see a confirmation page confirming the amount of credit that has been applied to your Google payment profile. You can redeem your credit by tapping on the "Play Store" button on the home screen of the mobile app or by shopping directly from the Google Play store.

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