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What is Bee Minecraft?

Minecraft bees are a neutral Minecraft mob, meaning they keep to themselves unless you mess with them or their nests – seems fair. The honey Minecraft bee is part of the Minecraft Java Edition, and adds what Mojang calls “a large bug” to the lineup of Minecraft mobs.

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È possibile giocare con altre persone su computer tradizionali solo se si utilizza Java Edition. La Bedrock Edition viene utilizzata per le versioni mobile e console del gioco. È possibile giocare con i giocatori su quelle piattaforme.

Anche la domanda è:, what do foxes drop in minecraft?

Fox Drops. Foxes don't have any unique drops like other mobs do in Minecraft. They'll only drop experience, and the item they are holding in their mouth. There's also an extra chance to drop items which they can naturally spawn with, such as Feathers, Leather, Wheat, Eggs, Rabbit Hide, Rabbits Foot and Emeralds. What does polar bear eat in Minecraft? raw fish Polar bears in Minecraft eat raw fish like most other animals that live near the water and will take various fish that a player gives them. Breeding polar bears is not the easiest of tasks, though. Polar bears require a large amount of fish before being considered tamed by the player.

Di Moon Philbin

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