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Why is 220V cheaper than 110v?

The point often noted for the money saving argument is that the amperage is half as much when running grow lights on 220 volts instead of 110 volts. On a 220 volt circuit, the load is split between two 110 volt wires. This allows you to run smaller wire. This brings us to the "probably" part of the answer.

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Riguardo a questo,, what appliances use 220 volts?

Please Note: 220 Volt Appliances can also be used in countries having 230 Volts or 240 Volts. Refrigerators. Garbage Disposals. Freezers. Washers. Dryers. Dishwashers. Air Conditioners. Ranges. Which countries use 220V? Typically, either 120-volt AC or 240-volt AC is used. Most countries use 50Hz (50 Hertz or 50 cycles per second) as their AC frequency. Only a handful use 60Hz. Listing per country. Country Voltage Frequency Afghanistan 220V 50Hz Albania 230V 50Hz Algeria 230V 50Hz American Samoa 120V 60Hz Altre 102 righe •

Does 220 need neutral?

220V never requires a neutral, only two hots. If you add a neutral, you can also have 110V, which many times is used for controls and lights, etc. La gente chiede anche:, what size wire is used for 220v? A 30 Amp circuit is needed for most 220V tools. You will need to run a 10-2 to the outlet. 10-2 copper wire is usually good for up to 40 Amps on start loads and 35 Amps on constant load.

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Why does 220v have 4 wires?

The reason this change was mandated by the National Electrical Code is that the 4-wire setup is inherently safer and better able to prevent electrical shock, which in the case of a 220/240-volt circuit can be fatal.

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