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Is Coraline a Tim Burton movie?

Coraline"" is a stop-action film just like ""Nightmare Before Christmas"" but Burton didn't produce or direct it. Selick found the Neil Gaiman book ""Coraline."" Selick worked with Gaiman to write the script. (Gaiman is executive producer and there are five other producers listed on the movie; Burton isn't one of them.)

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Dopo la premiere di Planet of the Apes, Burton terminò la loro relazione. La nuova fidanzata di Burton, Bonham Carter, è stata una delle attrici principali del film.

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Director Tim Burton, who is famous for his quirky and macabre style, has often praised Depp for his talent to take on dark characters. In an interview with LA Times, the director commended Depp for being a "true artist". Is Helena Bonham Carter related to Lady Violet Bonham Carter? She was Sir Winston Churchill's closest female friend, apart from his wife, and her grandchildren include the actress Helena Bonham Carter.

How many Tim Burton movies is Helena Bonham Carter in?

Helena plays an exceptionally good tyrant, commanding the screen through her prestigious walk and ruthless personality, resulting in her role as Red Queen being labeled her best role out of all 8 Tim Burton films she's starred in. Is Helena Bonham Carter insane? Helena Bonham Carter says ''healthy insanity'' runs in her family and accepts the fact she may suffer from mental illness herself at some point in her life. Helena - who is in a long-term relationship with Tim Burton - said: "There's a good streak in our family of, I'd say, healthy insanity.

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È un'attrice e comica canadese-americana. In Beetlejuice, Sally and Shock di Tim Burton, ha interpretato un'insegnante di ginnastica.

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Bonham Carter's great, great, grandmother was Florence Nightingale's aunt – a connection she is very proud of. “My great grandfather Henry Bonham Carter, Florence's first cousin helped create the Florence Nightingale Fund in 1857. His sister, Hilary Bonham Carter was Florence's cousin and secretary.

Di Thilde Kimel

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