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What is the catch with Google Photos?

When you use Google photos, then many of your images will contain hidden data, embedded into the files, that discloses the time and exact location the photo was taken, the device you were using, even the camera settings. Google admits it pulls this so-called EXIF data into its analytics machine.

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Is Google photos better than Flickr?

Dipende da ciò di cui hai bisogno. Se hai bisogno di avere foto archiviate a una risoluzione più elevata, dovresti andare con il cloud. Se la compressione di foto e video non è un problema per te e vuoi solo goderti uno spazio di archiviazione illimitato gratuitamente, la scelta migliore sarebbe quella di utilizzare Google Foto.

Successivamente,, what is google drive called now?

January 29, 2021 - Google Drive for desktop Drive File Stream is now Google Drive for desktop. The branding in the product has also been updated to Google Workspace, the new name for G Suite.

Di Kyrstin Cundiff

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