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Is Ubuntu better than Debian?

Generally, Ubuntu is considered a better choice for beginners, and Debian a better choice for experts. Given their release cycles, Debian is considered as a more stable distro compared to Ubuntu. This is because Debian (Stable) has fewer updates, it's thoroughly tested, and it is actually stable.

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Ubuntu is arguably the most popular Linux based OS. Ubuntu has a company behind it, Canonical. The development and support are all done by them. One interesting fact is that Ubuntu itself is based on Debian, which is why a lot of basic things are familiar between Ubuntu and Debian. Is Debian lighter than Ubuntu? Debian is a much lightweight system, which makes it super fast. As Debian comes bare minimum and is not bundled or prepacked with additional software and features, it makes it super fast and lightweight than Ubuntu. One important thing to note is that Ubuntu may be less stable than Debian. 20 ott 2021

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Di Lipscomb Coponen

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