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Is blue collar offensive?

Blue collar is not a derogatory description of the work a person does. It means a skilled tradesman, and there's nothing demeaning with that type of work.

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Teachers fall under the category of white collar workers. But somebody who has a blue collar job and is doing some training of others as part of their job is still considered a blue collar worker. For example, your job is a machine operator. What is red collar? Red collar crime is a subgroup of white collar crime in which the perpetrator uses violence to avoid detection or prosecution. The crimes typically consist of forgery, insider trading, fraud, or embezzlement, and are estimated by the FBI to cost U.S. businesses more than $300 billion per year.

La gente chiede anche:, is doctor a white collar?

The term “White Collar” came from office workers wearing white collared shirts without worrying about them getting spoiled from doing manual labor. Some examples of White Collar jobs include; corporate executives, advertising and public relation professionals, architects, stockbrokers, doctors, dentists and dietitians. Is retail considered blue-collar? A blue-collar job is typically some sort of manual or trade-related labor. Some examples of industries with many blue-collar jobs include retail, manufacturing, food service and construction.

Di Mindi

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