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What books would Light Yagami read?

Light is known to be an extremely skilled detective. You should read all of the Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes novels, watch the series and movies too. Then you'll be able to think like a detective. Also, you can read Batman comics too.

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How can I download books from Google Books for free?

Puoi iniziare inserendo l'autore o il titolo dell'opera nella casella di ricerca. Il menu a discesa Tutti i prezzi si trova nella parte superiore dell'elenco dei risultati. Se fai clic sul pulsante Gratuito, verrai indirizzato a una pagina in cui puoi scaricare l'eBook che desideri.

Di conseguenza,, why did l tell light who he was?

L knew that Kira could murder his victims using only their name and their face. So when he chose to reveal himself to Light in order to investigate, L used a pseudonym. The fake name he used was Hideki Ryuga, which was the name of a popular singer. Tenendo presente questo,, does light care about l? Light does consider L as a friend whereas Kira sees L as his enemy. Although many fans think Light acted a lot, I think there were plenty of moments where Light and Kira were in conflict inside Light.

Di conseguenza,, what did l mean by the bell?

During his last moments, L's last words to Light were as follows and here is what it all meant: "I hear the bell." - the bell (a funeral bell) is the impending sense of death that only L can feel, Light can't hear a thing because he's going to be fine. Who won L'or Light? In the end L won because it was his successors who proved Light was Kira. Kira being caught was the end goal, regardless of L being alive when it happened which is why from the beginning he said he had to prove he would risk his life.

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Who Shot Light Yagami?

Sota Aoyama interpreta Matsuda nella serie di film. Il ruolo e la personalità di Matsuda nei primi due film sono simili a quelli dei fumetti. Quando Light viene messo alle strette alla fine di Death Note: The Last Name, Matsuda spara a Light mentre sta cercando di usare un pezzo del Death Note che tiene nascosto nel suo orologio.

Is Near more intelligent than L?

Apart from L, Near is easily the smartest character in the series – smarter even than his partner, Mello. Near managed to make it to the very end, but he probably wouldn't have caught Light or made it as far as he did without the help of L and Mello.

Di Burgwell Santigo

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