Gufosaggio > W > What Is A Better Word Than Beautiful?

What is a better word than beautiful?

attractive, pretty, handsome, good-looking, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, prepossessing, as pretty as a picture. lovely, charming, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome. ravishing, gorgeous, heavenly, stunning, arresting, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching, beguiling.

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LaTex ha un programma affidabile per composizione tipografica, note a piè di pagina, immagini, didascalie, tabelle e riferimenti incrociati. Microsft Word ha caratteristiche simili, ma LaTex le sta facendo in un modo che è piacevole alla vista. Il 10 novembre, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay

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Who is owner of Shangrila Resort Skardu?

Brigadier Muhammad Aslam Khan- Brigadier Muhammad Aslam Khan- Founder of Shangrila resorts. Riguardo a questo,, how do i beat shangri-la?

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Is LaTeX better than Word?

Anche la domanda è:, what perks are on shi no numa?

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Di Sol

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