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What does making 6 figures mean?

Definition of six-figure : in the hundreds of thousands : totaling 100,000 or more but less than one million a six-figure income.

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What does it mean to hit 6 figures?

6-figures fall between $100,000 – $999,999 and when people use this term, they are typically referring to the income someone makes per year from their job or own business. What is 6 figure salary? a salary of between 100,000 and 999,999 pounds, dollars, etc. a year: As a lawyer she can earn a good six-figure salary.

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What is a 7 figure salary? So, what is a 7 figure salary exactly? Well, with a 7 figure salary you earn 1 million dollars. With a 6 figure salary, on the other hand, you earn between $100,000 - $999,999 per year. Of course, it is possible to earn a 7 figure income in more ways than a single base salary! Are six figures rich? Six figures can be anywhere between $100,000 – $999,000. Depending on where you live, six figures is considered rich by many people's standards. Therefore, if you want to be certain you are rich, you might as well shoot to make at least $470,000 a year. This way, your six figures a year will be in the top 1%.

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In the corporate world, there is such a thing as a six-figure salary. It means getting a salary that is at least $100,000. Individuals who earn less than that, but at least $10,000, have a five-figure salary. If you're making a million dollars, you've got a seven-figure salary (and obviously a great job).

Di Khosrow

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