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What is L's real name?

L Lawliet His real name, L Lawliet, is only revealed in the guidebook Death Note 13: How to Read.

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Uno dei due potenziali successori di L è Mihael Keehl In Death Note, cresciuto a Wammy's House, un orfanotrofio per bambini intellettualmente dotati.

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Twenty-three days after writing his name in the Death Note, and after burning all the remaining Death Notes and having a conversation with Soichiro Yagami, L dies peacefully while eating a chocolate bar, with a picture of Watari lying right beside him. What is L's age? L (Death Note) Series Death Note Age 24-25 Birthday Sex Male Altre 6 righe

Is L smarter than light?

L Lawliet is smarter than Light Yagami, in fact, he's the smartest character in Death Note. L's IQ may be lower than Light's but his deduction skills, planning and eye for detail far surpass Kira's. He did find out Kira's identity without any hints or leads. in addition, Is near a girl or boy? La gente chiede anche:, why do people call ryuzaki? 12 The Origin Of L's Nickname When L introduces himself to the NPA, he urges them to call him Ryuzaki to further hide his identity. The name Ryuzaki actually came from another child from Wammy's House, the orphanage that raises genius children and L's successors, Near and Mello.

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As L did know about this, he requested everyone in the Task Force to call him “Ryuzaki” as as an additional safety measure. Why is L always barefoot? 5. Why He's So Dishevelled. Once more, this is part of his charm: he loves sugar, doesn't sleep, always squats, and never wears shoes or neat clothes. His physical appearance is just one more quirk to endear the audience to him, like many a superhero or supervillain costume.

Di Clementi

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