Gufosaggio > H > How Long Is Misa's Lifespan?

How long is Misa's lifespan?

Known lifespans Character Lifespan Misa Amane 15 42 30 6 (anime) 12 74 2 9 55 (TV drama, Othellonia) Soichiro Yagami 932253 (film series) Touta Matsuda 548192 Near 43406 Altre 20 righe

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On a certain day, Misa was supposed to die when a madman tried to kill her, but Gelus saw that she was gonna be killed, and he loved her, so he extended her lifespan for the sake of saving her by writing the killer's name into the Death Note. Is Misa immortal? Misa was born on. Though she was once supposed to live a much longer life, she decreased her remaining lifespan by half in order to have the power of the Shinigami Eyes. She actually made the deal twice, decreasing her lifespan to a quarter of what it once was. Misa passed away on.

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Di Stoneman

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