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What do they call diapers in England?

This usage stuck in the United States and Canada following the British colonization of North America, but in the United Kingdom the word "nappy" took its place. Most sources believe nappy is a diminutive form of the word napkin, which itself was originally a diminutive.

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Why do they call zero love in tennis?

Nel tennis, l'amore è un punteggio pari a zero ed è stato usato dalla fine del 1800. La teoria più accettata è che quelli con zero punti stavano ancora giocando per amore del gioco anche se avevano perso.

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'Elevator', in American English, is the equivalent of 'lift'. 'lift', in British English, is the equivalent of 'Elevator'. 'Elevator' is the American equivalent of 'lift'. 10 mag 2015 Tenendo conto di questo,, what is vacation british english? Vacation isn't used much in British English, except to refer to a period of time when a university is closed, but holiday is used in American English, where it means a national, legal day off, like Thanksgiving or Independence Day. British people talk about bank holidays.

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Why Do They Call It love in tennis?

Nel tennis, amore significa avere un punteggio pari a zero o zero all'inizio di una partita. La parola francese per uovo è l'oeuf, che significa zero in francese.

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Leggings do, in fact, count as pants — provided they are opaque enough that they don't show your underwear. What were pants called in the 1800s? Pantaloons - An early form of the relaxed trouser. This style of pants was worn by men as street wear because breeches were considered too formal.

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