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What are pegged pants?

Filters. Trousers cut full in the waist and thigh area, and tapering to a cuff or gather at the ankle. Some pegged pants include a full cuff with buttons; others simply gather around an elastic band.

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What is the difference between pants and trousers?

C'è una parte separata per ogni gamba nei pantaloni, che è un indumento esterno. Il termine pantaloni è usato per la biancheria intima.

Di conseguenza,, what do they call shorts in england?

short trousers The British English term, short trousers, is used, only for shorts that are a short version of ordinary trousers (i.e., pants or slacks in American English). Riguardo a questo,, what do they call a vest in the uk? In American English, a vest is a piece of clothing with buttons and no sleeves, which a man wears over his shirt and under his jacket. In British English, a piece of clothing like this is called a waistcoat.

Rispetto a questo,, what is the difference between joggers and trousers?

As nouns the difference between trousers and joggers is that trousers is an article of clothing that covers the part of the body between the waist and the ankles, and is divided into a separate part for each leg while joggers is . How do you choose trousers?

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Why are pants called britches?

Ci sono pantaloni che si estendono fino o sotto il ginocchio. La pronuncia preferita è BRIchiz. La parola inglese antico per breeches è brec, che significa un indumento per le gambe e il tronco.

Where do you wear trousers?

As a general rule, your trousers should sit just above your hips - the closer they are to this point the more flatteringly they will hang over your bum and flow down the leg. This is particularly true for those with wider hips – straight frames can get away with wearing their trousers a little lower.

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