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How do the British pronounce trousers?

Break 'trousers' down into sounds: [TROWZ] + [UHZ] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Below is the UK transcription for 'trousers': Modern IPA: tráwzəz. Traditional IPA: ˈtraʊzəz. 2 syllables: ""TROWZ"" + ""uhz""

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What are the different types of trousers?

There are several different main types of pants and trousers, such as dress pants, jeans, khakis, chinos, leggings, and sweatpants. They can also be classified by fit, fabric, and other features. There is apparently no universal, overarching classification. Di conseguenza,, what do northerners call trousers? Whereas 'pants'-wearing Northerners enjoy a 'bap', 'bun' or 'barm' for their 'tea', Southerners in 'trousers' are more likely to tuck into a 'roll' for their 'dinner', find language researchers at The University of Manchester.

Di conseguenza,, do people still say trousers?

I would have felt comfortable interchanging the words “pants” and “jeans” for the pants in that suit, but not the word “slacks”. Trousers sounds old fashioned in the US. Yes. Americans use the word “trousers”. Do northern people call trousers pants? Trousers is by far the most popular lexical choice, with over three times the number of responses than pants. It becomes clear that pants is a strictly northern term when one looks at the variation in the North West in particular, where 49% of speakers use pants.

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What is the difference between pants and trousers?

C'è una parte separata per ogni gamba nei pantaloni, che è un indumento esterno. Il termine pantaloni è usato per la biancheria intima.

Successivamente,, what do aussies call beer?

Folks in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, and Western Australia call it a “middy"; Victoria and Queensland locals dub it a “pot”; Tasmanians a “ten”; Northern Territorians a “handle”; and, rather confusingly, South Australians term it a “schooner."

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