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What was JJ Thomson atomic theory?

In 1897, J. J. Thomson discovered the first subatomic particle, the electron, while researching cathode rays. To explain the neutrality of atoms, Thomson proposed a model of the atom in which negative electrons are scattered throughout a sphere of positive charge. He called his atom the plum pudding model.

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Di conseguenza,, is atom good for java?

No, it isn't. Try Eclipse J2EE or Intellij instead of that slow and horrible editor. You can easily write your code in Notepad/Sublime if you're a C/C++ programmer. But you should use an IDE for Java, with a build tool like Maven. La gente chiede anche:, how do you use atom editor? 1. CHOOSING A TEXT EDITOR Exercise I: Download Atom. OS X. Windows. Exercise II: Create a dev folder. Exercise III: Add a file. Notice: All of the text in your file is the same color. This will change after you save the file as . html . Exercise IV: Open your HTML File in a web browser.

Di conseguenza,, do developers use atom?

Hence, developers need robust text editors to write and edit programming and markup languages efficiently. The developers have option to choose from several open source and licensed text editors according to their precise needs. Atom is an open source text editor developed and maintained by the GitHub team. Rispetto a questo,, is atom good for php? By default, Atom provides basic editing capabilities and everything you need to write PHP code. There are many packages to extend and make writing PHP code more efficient and provide a much better development experience.

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Atom is one of the leading source code–based editors for JavaScript. This open-source editor is also super easy to install. Other features include smart completion of code and an instinctive file system browser. Atom facilitates the easy integration of GitHub and Git control.

Di Marielle Sidharth

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