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Can l and light Be Friends?

When he told Light that Light was his first friend, it was a lie. L could never have a friend, as he found humans to be a very cunning species.” So the author has confirmed that L never thought of Light as a friend. You have always thought the correct thing, yes L never took Light as his friend but he wished to be.

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Are Light and Ryuk friends?

Light Yagami e la sua spalla Shinigami sono due dei motivi per cui è così popolare. Anche se era legato alla Luce, era ancora un vero amico della Luce solitaria.

Di conseguenza,, was ryuk afraid of light?

7 Fear Of Light Despite being around Light for years, there were many times that the human scared Ryuk. Light would yell at him and get annoyed if Ryuk did anything he did not like. Light and Ryuk's relationship shows how frightening humanity can be. Rispetto a questo,, is light a death god? In short answer, yes he does. At the beginning of Death Note, Ryuk tells Light that he will go to neither Heaven nor Hell, but that doesn't mean he wont go to the afterlife at all.

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He thought of Light as a interesting human who kept surprising him and therefore would be very excited to be around him and think of his next step. Ryuk sees Light as his source of entertainment: At best, Ryuk has an interest in Light's activities as Kira because it is his form of entertainment. What is Light's IQ Death Note? Originally Answered: What is Light Yagami's IQ? Yagami Light's IQ: 215–230. A lot of people fail to understand that an IQ test measures certain types of abilities in relation to short-term memory, analytical thinking, spatial recognition and more.

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La loro amicizia è iniziata negli anni '90. Erano sulla buona strada per una grande carriera di attore. Johnny Depp è uno dei nostri preferiti.

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In spite of his apathy, he's quite fond of humans, which contrasts against how the purpose of death gods are to end human lives (hence, the Death Note). He's shown to be lighthearted and sentimental; he admits to getting shy around girls like Misa, and he asks Light for a Silver Game Boy Advance SP for Christmas.

Di Whitcher

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