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Is CPython and Cython same?

CPython is the implementation of the language called “Python” in C. Cython is designed as a C-extension for Python. The developers can use Cython to speed up Python code execution. But they can still write and run Python programs without using Cython.

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Tenendo conto di questo,, is cython hard to learn?

Unlike Python, it does not have many safeguards in place and can be difficult to use. Both languages are mainstream, but they are typically used in different domains, given their differences. If you already know Python and have a basic understanding of C or C++, you will be able to quickly learn Cython. Is Cython popular? Second, Cython is not an independent programming language, but a way to interface Python with C or C++. Cython can never be “popular” because in essence it is really about using Python and C.

Successivamente,, why cython is used?

Cython is a programming language that aims to be a superset of the Python programming language, designed to give C-like performance with code that is written mostly in Python with optional additional C-inspired syntax. Cython also facilitates wrapping independent C or C++ code into python-importable modules. How reliable is Cython? It is not better than C in general as it translates the Cython code into pure C (although there exist some Cython compiler optimizations). It is better than Python because (at least in theory) every Python code is Cython code.

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Should you learn Cython?

Cython will get you good speedups on almost any raw Python code, without too much extra effort at all. The key thing to note is that the more loops you're going through, and the more data you're crunching, the more Cython can help.

Di Corliss Valsin

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