Gufosaggio > I > Is It Correct To Say Some Information?

Is it correct to say some information?

You can say “information” or “some information,” but never “informations.” “Information” is what is sometimes called a “collective noun.” It is understood to be plural already, so we don't add an -s. [This true in English.

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How do you politely say about your information?

C'è un'altra parola per le tue informazioni? Vorrei farti sapere che vorrei portare alla tua attenzione, solo così lo sai, solo per farti sapere in modo che tu sappia per la tua lettura.

Do you have some or any information?

You use some. The difference in the question is all in tone. In the context of a question, any sounds a little more urgent — as though no information has been previously offered. To ask for some information recognizes that there may be information out there, but you have a more specific information request. Can I say several information? No, "information" does not have a plural form in English (though it does in French). It is a mass (uncountable) noun, like "knowledge" and "honesty". You may, though, speak of several pieces of information. One rule in English concerning the word information: It is never used in the plural.

Is some information singular or plural?

Information is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: I need some information about hotels. ✗Don't say: I need some informations about hotels. Information is always followed by a singular verb: The information is strictly confidential. La gente chiede anche:, how do you use the word information? Examples of information in a Sentence He gave the police false information about his background. The conference will give us an opportunity to exchange information with other researchers. We can't make a decision until we have more information. The tests have not yet uncovered any new information.

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Is information always singular?

Although they have a plural meaning, most uncountable nouns like this (including information, administration, management, advice, accommodation) are singular with no plural form. This information is very useful.

Di Hemingway

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