Gufosaggio > W > What Is Otto In Japanese?

What is Otto in Japanese?

The “standard” word for husband in Japanese is 夫 (otto). Whereas there are many nuanced words for wife in Japanese, “husband” has only a few specific terms that depend on whose husband is being referred to.

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One True Pairing OTP, which stands for One True Pairing, is a term that signifies a person's favorite fictional romantic relationship. What does onto the next mean? : very quickly as time passes.

Inoltre,, what part of speech is unto?

to. What do you mean by aspirations? 1a : a strong desire to achieve something high or great an aspiration to become famous —usually plural a young man with political/literary aspirations. b : an object of such desire An acting career is her aspiration. 2 : a drawing of something in, out, up, or through by or as if by suction: such as.

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Le conoscenze e le competenze per l'adempimento della scuola dell'obbligo sono riferite ai quattro assi culturali.

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'Orl Korrect' - military reporting indicating troops were in good order.

Di Sweyn Bonnell

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