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Is it better to be with Triss or Yennefer?

On the surface, Triss appears to be kinder and more compassionate, whereas Yennefer seems more cold-hearted and ruthless. When you dig a little deeper, however, it becomes apparent that Yennefer is a better person that Triss, whose morality is at times questionable.

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Chi scegliere tra Triss e yennefer?

L'argomento della scelta tra i due che il nostro personaggio principale sarà costretto a fare ad un certo punto del gioco è stato parlato da Henry Cavill. L'unica scelta coerente con il personaggio è quella di Yennefer, secondo l'attore.

Rispetto a questo,, can you be with triss and yen witcher 3?

WARNING: You can't romance both Triss AND Yennefer If you choose to try and romance both Triss and Yennefer, then you will end up losing both of them. That being said it is an entertaining story so if you aren't attached to either of them feel free to give it a try. Just don't say we didn't warn you. Can you be with Yennefer after Triss? Yes, you can have a fling/tryst with Triss and Yennefer and end up with Yennefer. The romance in the Witcher 3 has 3 stages. The first is completing a particular side quest, this opens up the opportunity to romance the character.

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Despite expressing that he clearly cares for her, Geralt turns Triss down, seemingly because he thinks she is too good for him. He ends up reconnecting with Yennefer later on in season 2, and the brief spark of romantic subplot between Geralt and Triss appears to be extinguished. Who is Geralt's true love? Yennefer Triss Merigold Fringilla Vigo Geralt di Rivia / Partner Yennefer is said to be Geralt's true love, so it would suggest their feelings are genuine. Saying this, their romance will be a tumultuous one throughout The Witcher stories.

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Se dormi con Triss al faro, non finirai con Yennefer. Geralt si impegna ad avere una relazione con Triss.

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Though Witcher 3's Triss and Geralt share some romantic moments throughout the story, players can choose whether to pursue a committed relationship with her. Triss' empathy also prevented Ciri from undergoing a procedure that would have made her infertile. Di conseguenza,, can geralt have both triss and yennefer? If you attempt to equally romance both Triss and Yennefer throughout the game you will lose both. Later in the game, after helping Triss and Yennefer in Novigrad before the search for the Sunstone they will attempt to seduce Geralt together, suggesting he can have both of them.

Di Evelina Miedzinski

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