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Do The Witcher books have a happy ending?

The story ends with Ciri ending her story, Galahad still presents and listening tentatively. Upon this Geralt and Yennefer lived happily ever after and Ciri continued her life and eventually became a witcheress.

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However, as The Witcher Season 2 opens, it's clear that feelings remain on both ends. And despite their newfound responsibilities, the duo eventually reunites with one another. Sadly, things go south rather quickly. In Yennefer's desperation to get her magic back, she makes off with Ciri, breaking Geralt's trust. Rispetto a questo,, does yennefer betray ciri? After Yennefer loses her Chaos during the Battle of Sodden Hill, she attempts to use Ciri to get her magic back. This is a betrayal of the loving relationship they have in the source material.

What does Yennefer do with Ciri?

Yennefer steals Ciri from Geralt (Henry Cavill) to take to the Deathless Mother in exchange for her power. Still, upon realizing her love for Ciri and the significance she presents for the world, Yennefer sacrifices herself to save Ciri. She gives up the chance to gain her magic back in a selfless act of love. Who does Ciri fall in love with? Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (Ciri for short) is the Princess of Cintra who's eventually adopted by Geralt and Yennefer, with the latter couple arguably called true soulmates. In Season 1 of the Netflix series, Geralt and Yennefer cross paths and fall in love.

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One of the most ambiguous about Ciri is in regards to her sexuality. While her possible tryst with Skjall might make people think that she's straight, certain events in the books and games alike might make fans think otherwise. In the books, Ciri ends up sleeping with a girl names Mistle.

Di Zela

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