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Who wins Iron Man or Batman?

If Iron Man doesn't have his suit, it'd be game over for him. While he isn't totally incapable of a fight with fisticuffs, Batman is a master in 127 different martial arts. His physical strength is far superior to Tony's, so if they were to fight without any gadgets or suits, the win would easily go to Batman.

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Chi è più ricco Batman o Iron Man?

Tony Stark si è classificato quarto tra le persone più ricche del mondo della narrativa con un patrimonio di $ 12,4 miliardi, mentre Batman è stato classificato sesto con $ 9,2 milioni.

Who could beat Batman?

Some of these powerless heroes may be able to beat the original powerless hero in a fight. 1 Iron Heart. Riri Williams' age should not let her be deceived. 2 Iron Man. 3 Ka-Zar. 4 Adam Strange. 5 Booster Gold. 6 The Punisher. 7 Black Widow. 8 Katana. Who is most powerful superhero? The Hulk Bruce Banner found himself transformed into a monster known only as "Hulk." The details of the pair's symbiotic relationship might change, but at the end of the day, superhero comic books have one unbreakable rule: Hulk is the strongest one there is, and that's really all there is to it.

Tenendo presente questo,, can superman lift thor hammer?

So, there you have it: yes, Superman is capable of wielding Mjolnir, although he was only seen to have done so on an emergency basis — and, in fact, it appears that Wonder Woman is more unconditionally worthy of the weapon than he. Who is the strongest villain? Strongest Supervillains In History Ranked Brainiac (DC) DC Comics. Doomsday (DC) DC Comics. Thanos (Marvel) Marvel Comics. Surtur (Marvel) Marvel Comics. Hela (Marvel) Marvel Comics. General Zod (DC) DC Comics. The Redeemer (Image) Image Comics. Ozymandias (DC) DC Comics.

Who is the fastest superhero?

Flash is the super fast superhero from DC Comics and part of the Justice League. Quicksilver is the super fast superhero from Marvel Comics and sometimes an Avenger. In recent clips, Quicksilver has blazing speed. Allora,, who wins superman or thor? In terms of the power to lift and move large objects, Superman has a stronger edge against Thor. Thor may have been able to move objects that weigh as much as planets, but the Silver Age Superman not only pushed actual planets out of orbit all the time, but even went so far as to move entire galaxies on a whim.

Di Aldredge Venible

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