Gufosaggio > H > How Old Is Vegeta In Saiyan Age?

How old is Vegeta in Saiyan age?

But due to those youthful Saiyan genetics that prevents Saiyans from showing their age, it's hard to work out exactly how old is Vegeta? Vegeta was 30 years old when he came to Earth to fight Goku and was 48 years old at the end of Dragon Ball Super.

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Broly would win. Kefla in the anime was on par with an exhausted SSB Goku while utilized SSJ1, and while she was in SSJ2, she was sent flying multiple times by handicapped attacks from a UI Sign Goku. In the manga, she compared up to Potential Unleashed Gohan, who would be weaker than SSB Goku. Broly would win. Anche la domanda è:, is golden frieza stronger than broly? Broly beats Frieza both ways. Confirmed in Super, as he pummeled Frieza in his Golden form for a whole hour! And Broly was only in Normal Super Saiyan Form!

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Beerus would easily beat Golden Frieza. Who was Beerus first strongest foe? Monaka was initially described as being a hero of his home world planet, Wagashi. At some point in his past, he was said to have fought against the God of Destruction Beerus. He managed to cause Beerus trouble, which makes him later claim Monaka as the strongest fighter he's ever faced.

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Ci sono altre 6 linee nella serie Death Note.

Tenendo conto di questo,, why did beerus pick monaka?

Monaka is just a means employed by Lord Beerus in order to entice Goku and Vegeta to train harder by saying to Goku that Monaka is the strongest opponent he has ever faced (while Goku coming in a remote 2nd).

Di Dreeda Hogenmiller

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