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What is the 3rd rarest personality type?

INTJ The third most rare Myers-Briggs personality type is INTJ People who prefer INTJ make up 2.1% of the population. Among men, this type is a little more common with 3.3% of the population. Women, however, only make up 0.8% of the population for INTJs.

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What is the 2nd rarest personality type?

Il secondo tipo di personalità più raro è chiamato ENFJ e costituisce il 2% della popolazione. Questi tipi sanno come motivare le persone verso i loro obiettivi.

What are the top 5 rarest personality types?

The top 5 rarest personality types ranked INFJ. The INFJ personality type is the undisputed top 1 rarest personality type in the general population coming in at just 2%. INTJ. ENTJ. ENFJ. ENTP. Anche la domanda è:, is infj the best personality type? An INFJ listens well and responds with positive insight and compassion, making this one of the top personality types suited to work as a counselor.

How do you tell if an INFJ hates you?

Things the INFJ Hates Staying on the surface. Manipulation and deceit. People who take and rarely give. Arguing just to argue. Constant chaos. Not getting enough alone time. When people are inconsiderate. Having to compromise their values. Di conseguenza,, why infj is a paradox? They stand up for others but may neglect themselves. INFJs have a passionate desire to help people, so much so that it can take over every area of their life, including their relationships with friends and colleagues, as well as in romance. That's the paradox of the INFJ. 30 nov 2021

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Gli ENTJ sono i leader più naturali. L'opportunità di prendere il comando farà sempre appello a questo tipo di personalità. Gli ENTJ spesso vedono le sfide e gli ostacoli come opportunità per spingersi.

Si può anche chiedere:, what's the most common personality type?

ISFJ personality type The ISFJ personality type is the most common personality type in the population, representing as much as 14% of the general population. ISFJs are especially common among women but rarer among men, making up approximately 8% of the male population compared to 19% of women.

Di Ingelbert

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