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What makes anime community Toxic?

Originally Answered: What are some things things that make the anime community toxic? Arrogance. This isn't extremely common, but there are fans who have the audacity to believe: if you like a certain anime, they're somehow better than you.

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What is the best anime community?

Le migliori comunità online per l'animazione. È inoltre possibile visualizzare i consigli di altri utenti se si sceglie di farlo. Un elenco. C'è un sito del genere? C'è una rete di notizie. Si chiama CBR. Kotaku. C'è un servizio di streaming chiamato Crunchyroll. C'è una modalità a Tokyo.

Inoltre,, why is anime so addictive?

Due to soundtracks, characters, animation and story, just like drugs. So it's addicting, at least in the case of some. Originally Answered: Why is anime so addicting, like the nicotine in cigarettes? Anime is addicting to people who don't know moderation. Anime is basically addicting like tv shows and movies are. Which is the toxic fandom in the world? BTS' Army also qualifies as one of the most toxic fandoms in the world.

Who are the craziest fandoms?

Here are a few of the craziest social media fan clubs: Ke$ha: Ke$ha wins the award for Best New Act at the MTV European Music Awards 2010. ( Beyoncé: Beyonce performs on stage during a concert in the Rock in Rio Festival on September 13, 2. Britney Spears: Chris Brown: Lady Gaga: Katy Perry: Rihanna: Justin Bieber: What is the Cringiest fandom? Originally Answered: What is the cringiest fandom? Probably wrestling fans. At times they can be completely toxic and terrible on social media. One Japanese wrestler killed herself over it and another wrestler in the United States was harassed because of something her husband did and there was no reason for that.

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Which anime has most toxic fans?

Il fandom più fastidioso sono i fan di One Piece. I fan di Boruto non parlano di quelli OG. I fandom più freddi sono i fan di Haikyuu e Jojo.

What is a person who loves anime called?

Weeaboo is a mostly derogatory slang term for a Western person who is obsessed with Japanese culture, especially anime, often regarding it as superior to all other cultures. Tenendo presente questo,, what do you call someone who loves japan? Definition of Japanophile : one who especially admires and likes Japan or Japanese ways.

Di Farrand

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