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What is less comparative?

Less and fewer are comparative words.

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Why does UFC pay less than boxing?

I più grandi combattenti di boxe guadagnano ancora più dei combattenti UFC, ma in media i combattenti UFC guadagnano di più, perché i piccoli pugili professionisti e dilettanti guadagnano molto poco e di solito devono pagare tutto per se stessi.

What is comparative of sweet?

Sweeter is the comparative form of sweet. So, you say, Mia is sweeter than Leena.” “And when you compare more than two people places or things, we use the superlative degree,” added mom. Can you say more busier? More busier is never correct. One person could be busier than someone else, but it would be grammatically incorrect to say you are “more busier” than someone. The term “busier” is already modified by the suffix -er and does not require the adverb “more.”

What does busier than ever mean?

The definition of busier is being more occupied or having more to do than in the past. When your schedule becomes more packed than it ever was before, this is an example of a situation where you are a busier person. adjective. La gente chiede anche:, can you say less busy? This is simply the way we form comparatives: . Busy, busier, busiest. Busy, less busy, least busy.

Articoli Correlati

Quando si usa fewer e quando less?

Puoi usare meno con nomi collettivi e meno con nomi numerabili. Puoi dirmi quali sono i nomi numerabili? Coincidono con cose che puoi contare. Le penne sulla scrivania ne sono un esempio.

What is comparative and superlative?

A Comparative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to another noun. Comparative adjectives typically end in 'er' and are followed by the word 'than'. A Superlative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to two or more nouns to the highest or lowest degree.

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