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What is wasn't in grammar?

"Didn't" is an auxiliary verb used in the past simple negative with regular verbs. "Wasn't" is the past simple negative of the verb "to be" and it's used with the subjects: I, He, She, It.

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Il compartimento di Milano ha un prefisso della provincia di Monza e Brianza. Il distretto comprende la parte orientale della provincia di Monza e Brianza e la parte meridionale della provincia di Lecco.

Di conseguenza,, what is wasn't meaning?

was not Definition of wasn't : was not. Riguardo a questo,, is doesn't singular or plural? “Doesn't" is singular. For example “He doesn't like to run". Doesn't means “does not", and “does" is a conjugation of “to do". The plural form would be “don't" as in “We don't like to run" or “They don't like to run".

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Definition of the have-nots : people who have little money and few possessions : poor people —usually used in the phrase the haves and the have-nots the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Is have singular or plural? Have is both singular and plural. For example, in the simple present tense, 'have' is used in the first and second person singular.

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Che prefisso e lo 039?

Di conseguenza,, how do you write have not?

hadn't. the usual way of saying or writing 'had not'. This is not often used in formal writing. Does not have to be synonym? What is another word for do not have? lack be without miss be inadequate of go without have insufficient not have not have enough of need be wanting Altre 11 righe

La gente chiede anche:, is posted or has been posted?

Hi, "have been plus past participle" is the passive form of the present perfect. If you did the action (posting) you would say "I have posted those cards", but if you want to put the emphasis on the posting, you could say "Those cards have been posted", in the second case, who did the posting is not important.

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