Gufosaggio > W > What Is The Strongest Sword In Sao?

What is the strongest sword in SAO?

Kirito got the Elucidator from a monster drop and it is the most powerful dropped sword.

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Quando è nato Kirito di Sao?

Kirito ha dai 14 ai 17 anni e ha un compleanno il 7 ottobre.

Is Asuna taller than Kirito?

Her height is never specified, but in SAO and RL (their avatars reflecting their real appearance) she is as tall (or maybe a hair taller) as Kazuto (Kirito). He stands 172 cm/5′ 6″. Of course they are still teenagers at the end of the Aincrad arc. How old is Asuna birthday? Happy Birthday Asuna! September 30th is her birthday!

Is Asuna a tsundere?

Asuna's character development in the first season of Sword Art Online was among the best in the series. Asuna went from being a typical tsundere who was afraidーlike othersーof dying inside the video game. However, she decided to become stronger so that she can survive the trials that lied before her. Is Asuna older than Kirito? Trivia. Asuna is one year older than Kirito. Asuna's main weapon is a rapier.

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In che anno si svolge Sao?

I videogiochi di realtà virtuale sono avanzati al punto in cui sono quasi indistinguibili dal mondo reale, motivo per cui Sword Art Online si svolge nel prossimo futuro.

Di conseguenza,, who was kirito's first love?

In the web novel, Sachi was Kirito's first love prior to Asuna. In addition to this, Kirito's and Sachi's relationship was depicted as being more intimate, and close in the web novel version of the story. What is Kirito birthday? October 7 October 7 is KIRITO's birthday!!

Di Victor Servantes

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