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Do Russians use eBay?

Russia may have the largest Internet population in all of Europe, but the ecommerce market there is highly fragmented, with the top 10 players making up just 20 percent of the market. eBay is taking a phased approach to its domestic rollout in Russia.

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Qual è la cosa più costosa su Ebay?

Roman Abramovich ha pagato 85 milioni di dollari per una barca creata da 4yacht, che era l'oggetto più costoso venduto su Ebay.

How do I sell in Russia?

How to start selling in Russia Sell popular categories, such as apparel, cosmetics, small electronics, or gadgets. Do not accept returned goods from Russia. Try selling gifts or handmade items. Offer premium or high-end goods. Offer quality. Target big cities. Use social channels. Consider payment-on-delivery. Why does Russian Post take so long? The Russian Post takes weeks or months to deliver parcels. In some cases, this is the fault of customs, but the state-owned company itself does not employ enough people. Besides the standard service offered by the Russian Post, there is the express courier EMS (Express Mail Service).

La gente chiede anche:, how fast is russian post?

The standard delivery time is about 10~30 working-days but the real delivery time relies on if the address is remote. Inoltre,, does russian post deliver to usa? Russian Post reports that even with limitations, delivery to the US currently takes 1–2 weeks.

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Cosa cerca la gente su eBay?

Se hai buone competenze in questo campo, puoi acquistare parti da riparare per maggiori profitti, altrimenti puoi acquistare usate cercando di ottenerle ad un prezzo accessibile per rivenderle.

Di conseguenza,, does russia have grocery stores?

Rise of Russian Supermarkets. Market consolidation has been rapid, with Russian-owned chains leading the way. The modern supermarket was relatively rare in Russia even in the early and mid-2000s. By 2018, however, supermarkets had reached market saturation and were now commonplace. Rispetto a questo,, how do you say water in russian? Вода Вода is the most common way to say water in Russian. It carries a neutral tone and is suitable for any situation and setting.

Successivamente,, what is famous in russia for shopping?

Shopping in Russia - 6 Amazing things to buy Imperial Porcelain. Russia's cultural capital, St Petersburg, is home to the world-famous Imperial Porcelain Factory. Faberge egg replicas. Nesting dolls. Artisanal amber jewellery. Wedding ring shawls. Russian chocolates.

Di Cathey Vitale

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