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Is there an adult gotenks?

Adult Gotenks is the adult version of Gotenks. He is the fusion of Goten and Trunks by Fusion Dance. Adult Gotenks is a lot more powerful compared to his younger self with otherworldly strength and a variety of techniques. With strength like his, any one of his attacks can be a one-shot finisher.

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Is it there werent or there wasnt?

Dipende dalla situazione. Dovrebbe essere indicativo dell'umore se sai che non lo era. Se la supposizione è ipotetica, non lo sai, ma pensi che potrebbe non esserlo.

Can Gotenks go Super Saiyan 3?

Yes, but only if they actually trained and went Super Saiyan 2 beforehand. However, it is very unlikely that they will do this, sinced they haven't even mastered Super Saiyan 1. So, the final answer is No. Considering what we saw so far we can't even say they can turn into Super Saiyan 2 individually. Di conseguenza,, can goku go ssj3 blue? Yes he could, but for Super Saiyan 3, it would be extremely difficult to maintain. Remember, Super Saiyan 3 drains Goku's stamina. And Super Saiyan blue also drains Goku's stamina.

Di conseguenza,, did vegeta go ssj3 in gt?

Vegeta completely skipped the Super Saiyan 3 transformation in the Dragon Ball franchise. Apparently his intense training on Otherworld gave him the power he needed to go beyond Super Saiyan 2. Goku intentionally didn't use it when he fought Vegeta, who was jealous of Goku's newfound power when he heard about it. Are there any female Super Saiyans? Caulifla is the first female Saiyan to become a Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 in the mainstream Dragon Ball series. She is also the first female Saiyan to achieve Super Saiyan Third Grade as well as the first Saiyan in Universe 6 to achieve this form.

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Who is Super Saiyan Gotenks?

Gotenks è un ibrido Saiyan/umano e può diventare Super Saiyan.

How long do Saiyans keep their youth?

Yes in an episode vegeta says to goku that saiyans will stay younger until an age of 80 years by this u can assume how long a saiyan can live and how slow they age. Saiyan's lifespan is same as a normal human being(75 to 100 years). In terms of physical development, this differs by Saiyan as it does with Earthlings. Di conseguenza,, is there a super saiyan 1000? Contrary to popular belief, in the Frieza Saga, Vegeta does not state that a Super Saiyan appears every 1000 years, but rather that the last one appeared 1000 years ago (3000 in the English dub and possibly Bardock). This is the only Super Saiyan form Goku has not achieved in the anime.

Di Savill

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