Gufosaggio > D > Do You Need A Tail For Ssj4?

Do you need a tail for SSJ4?

No Goku can't go SSJ4 without tail. SSJ4 is a primal form of SSJ and therefore tail is required.

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Allora,, can goku go ssj4 in dbs?

The Saiyan goes through each of his Super Saiyan forms through SSJ3, but Toppo still gives Goku a rough time. When you look at Dragon Ball Super's timeline, there is no way for Goku to have even learnt Super Saiyan 4; The hero unlocked that transformation in Dragon Ball GT, and that show is set after Dragon Ball Super. La gente chiede anche:, is ssj3 stronger than ssj4? Super Saiyan 3 is approximately 400 times stronger than base, while Super Saiyan 4 is about 500 times base. This can be figured out by how the transformation is obtained. It's basically the Super Saiyan transformation combined with the Great Ape transformation.

Why is Super Saiyan 3 so weak?

SSJ3 isnt weak but it wasnt shown off much due to the fact that he couldnt use it for very long, it took too much power too maintain. Remember that SSJ3 is still strong enough to defeat Majin Buu. Because the stronger goku gets he gains new transformations and the old ones look lame. How strong is SSJ5? Originally Answered: How strong would a SSJ5 be ? As strong as the writer makes it. Super Saiyan 5 is non canon, so anyone can write a Dragon Ball Z story and include their own Super Saiyan 5, as strong as they want it to be.

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Is gogeta from GT?

Super Saiyan 4 This stage is seen in Dragon Ball GT, where Goku and Vegeta both faced off against Omega Shenron. With the Fusion Dance, they successfully created the powerful Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.

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