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What is Java used for?

One of the most widely used programming languages, Java is used as the server-side language for most back-end development projects, including those involving big data and Android development. Java is also commonly used for desktop computing, other mobile computing, games, and numerical computing.

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Di conseguenza,, is java harder than html?

In my opinion HTML is the easiest one to learn first and is very useful for web development. Even C++ is easier to learn when compared to java. In java you have to learn about many inbuilt packages which takes more time. But in C++, you can start coding with basic knowledge. What pays more Java or JavaScript? The US. Obviously, the United States is the most expensive country in terms of software development services. For instance, the average annual Java developer salary here is $ 104,663, on the other hand, JavaScript developers receive approximately $ 105,744 per year. Hence, the hourly rate varies between $ 50 and $ 150.

Which has more demand Java or JavaScript?

JavaScript is the skill that is most in-demand for IT in 2020, according to a report from developer skills tester DevSkiller. The report, “Top IT Skills report 2020: Demand and Hiring Trends,” has JavaScript switching places with Java when compared to last year's report, with Java in third place this year, behind SQL. Can I learn JavaScript without HTML and CSS? Yes you can learn JavaScript without knowing much about other Language like HTML,CSS or PHP. Because HTML is a Markup Language, CSS is a Style Sheets Language and JavaScript is a interpreted, object-oriented Language. Which means that Even if you know nothing About HTML and CSS you can Learn JavaScript.

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Can you learn JavaScript without HTML?

Can I learn JavaScript without knowing HTML and CSS? Yes, by learning Node JS which doesn't require HTML and CSS, unlike traditional web applications. Additionally, you can also learn JavaScript topics that can be executed independently in the JS compiler such as declarations, scopes, closures, ES6 classes, etc.

Di Philomena

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