Gufosaggio > W > What Is The Meaning Of Mess With The Best Die Like The Rest?

What is the meaning of mess with the best die like the rest?

"Mess with the best, die like the rest" means that the "strongest person" (best) would simply kill (through violence like shooting) the other person if he/she insulted or offended him and the opponent will die like the rest of the people, who dared to challenge the best.

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Who said mess with the best die like the rest?

What is the history and status of the saying 'Mess with the best - die like the rest'? - Quora. Hackers took the phrase and put it in the mouth of Angelina Jolie's character, but it's origin is about 2 decades before the movie came out in 1995. Where did mess with the best die like the rest come from? Sombra's voice line "Mess with the best, die like the rest" comes from the 90's cyber crime movie "Hackers" : r/Overwatch.

Di Harcourt Kvam

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