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How did Thanos know Loki had the Tesseract?

When S.H.I.E.L.D. started messing with the Tesseract, the Mind Stone within the Sceptre must have flared up. Thanos realized that the Tesseract is on Earth, and knew that he could use Loki to retrieve it. Loki wanted to rule Earth as a God, and was willing to do anything to achieve that end.

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How did Stark know the Tesseract was in 1970?

Tony sa di andare da qualche parte intorno al 1970 a causa delle informazioni che gli sono state date sui suoi genitori durante la guerra civile. Lo sta trasmettendo attraverso la sua voce. Capitan America sa che lo farà bene e lo prende sul serio.

How did Avengers get Tesseract in endgame?

In Endgame Tony and Scott are assigned to travel back to 2012, right before the end of the first Avengers movie where Thor brought the Tesseract back to Asgard, along with Loki. While Steve grabs the particles, Tony steals the Tesseract. Di conseguenza,, is the universe a tesseract? In geometry, the tesseract is the four-dimensional analogue of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of six square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of eight cubical cells. Tesseract. Tesseract 8-cell 4-cube Type Convex regular 4-polytope Altre 13 righe

Successivamente,, how did thor get to earth in avengers?

Odin sent Thor to Earth using Gungnir . This is his spear that he always holds. Using the weapon, Odin was able to channel dark energy and use the bifrost to send Thor to Earth. La gente chiede anche:, when did s.h.i.e.l.d. get the tesseract? 1995 1995, S.H.I.E.L.D.: Tesseract enters S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.

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Has or had had?

Se qualcosa è stato fatto in passato, devi usarlo. Se qualcosa è stato fatto di recente, puoi usare avere o aver avuto a seconda del pronome. Ho fatto un buon pranzo questo pomeriggio.

Tenendo presente questo,, how did tony stark know the tesseract was in 1970?

Tony knows to go somewhere around 1970 due to the information about his parents and Bucky revealed to him in Civil War. And he is definitely conveying that through the tone and inflection in his voice. That's why Captain America takes him seriously and knows he'll get it right.

Di Cindra Carbaugh

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