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Was the Tesseract buried with Captain America?

Odin kept the Tesseract in Asgard for aeons until bringing it to Earth, where it became the source of many legends in Norway. That's where it was found by Red Skull during Captain America: The First Avengers and used to develop Nazi weapons. At the end of that movie it ends up falling into the Arctic Ocean.

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Demon Surtur The Destruction of Asgard was the result of the Fire Demon Surtur being released by Loki in order to enact the doomsday prophecy known as Ragnarök, as it was the only way to kill Hela before she could lay waste across the Nine Realms and beyond. Allora,, did hela have an infinity stone? This leaves room for Hela to draw her power from the Soul Stone, rather than it being a superhuman power she has as the Queen of Asgard's underworld. Her right to rule Hel may be because of her possession of an Infinity Stone, and there's precedent for such drastic changes.

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Di conseguenza,, how did the tesseract get to asgard?

The Tesseract was brought to Earth from Asgard by Odin. It remained in a temple in a small village for several centuries. It was later found by HYDRA and taken by force and used as a power source for a super weapon which could destroy almost anything upon impact.

Di Hummel Moelter

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