Gufosaggio > W > What Was I Vs What I Was?

What was I vs what I was?

"I were" is called the subjunctive mood, and is used when you're are talking about something that isn't true or when you wish something was true. If she was feeling sick... <-- It is possible or probable that she was feeling sick. "I was" is for things that could have happened in the past or now.

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Inoltre,, is it correct to say if it were possible?

It depends on what you are trying to say. “If it was possible” is a hypothetical about contingent past events. “If it were possible” is a hypothetical about present or future events, strongly implying the possibility is non-existent. La gente chiede anche:, what is the meaning of the idiom as it were? A qualifier typically used in spoken English to emphasize that something is not exactly as it is being described. I practically work at home, as it were—the office is within walking distance of my house. She's kind of my girlfriend, as it were, but we're not official or anything.

Is were a question word?

Yes, we can start an interrogative sentence (question) with was and were. Was there somebody at the door? Was it you who switched on the light? Was in a sentence? She was mad at him."" ""She was happy about the news."" ""She was very nice to us."" ""The little boy was alone.""

Are you able or were able?

were you able to download it? is correct. Because able to is adj which can not take place of verb which is required in case of Did you V1st from… Hence that sentence should be Did you download it? 'Able' is a construction: "be able to". So, we have to use: "are you able…" and "were you able…"

Di Chrissie

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Where do you at means? :: Was were past continuous tense?
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